Vaccine Side Effects

Are mutant viruses manufactured during the vaccine production process responsible for vaccine side effects?

Are some cancers a side effect of vaccines? As the mechanisms of cellular research have become more and more sophisticated we are now able to observe effects that were hithe… Read More

Further evidence suggesting autism is a side effect of vaccines including other pervasive developmental disorders

The official line is that vaccines are not implicated in autism with many officials choosing not to address the evidence by simply saying there is no evidence; however th… Read More

Is autism a side effect of mercury in vaccines?

In the USA, April 2000, at the congressional hearing on autism and vaccines, the Sallie Bernard study of vaccines and mercury toxicity has been cited as one of the main reasons Congress began to see the obvious correlation between the r… Read More

Massive mercury over-dosing contributing to vaccine side effects?

The USA Environmental Protection Agency has set an upper safety limit of mercury exposure to 0.1 mcg per kg body weight per day. A child of 6 months old with a maximum weight of 10 kg should therefore not … Read More

Drug testing; ignorance or deceit?…Safety trials for mercury in vaccines based on questionable science with dying patients

The mercury compound Thiomersal is used to stop the growth of unwanted bacteria in vaccines and was developed by the pharmaceut… Read More

The under reporting of Vaccine side effects

Vaccine safety Initial safety trials on volunteers are carried out within fairly limited criteria. In the first instance, when assessing the safety of a vaccine, the adverse reactions researchers are looking for are, of course, going to … Read More

Vaccine Side Effects from Aluminium Adjuvants

Blood poisons  An adjuvant, as described earlier, is a substance that helps and enhances the pharmacological effect of a drug or increases the ability of an antigen to stimulate the immune system. It is given because the vaccine … Read More

Vaccine side effects: mercury the lethal poison banned and yet used in vaccines

Alice in Wonderland…Alice sighed wearily. ‘I think you might do something better with the time,’ she said, ‘than waste it in asking riddles that have no answers.’ ‘If you knew Time as we… Read More

Vaccines: From mild side effects to cot death

Viera Scheibner now a retired principal research scientist with a doctorate in Natural Sciences is the author of the book ’Vaccination -The Medical Assault on the Immune System’. Her research shows quite clearly the problems associated wi… Read More