However in Baron’s “Life of Jenner”, (Vol. II, p. 304) we learn that, “On the 14th of May, 1796, Jenner vaccinated James Phipps, a boy about eight years old, with the matter taken from the hand of a dairymaid infected with casual cow-pox. The boy was thus vaccinated and this was to be tested at some point in the future by artificially infecting him with smallpox. (Note he was not to be tested by being exposed to the conditions of the natural disease or in times of epidemic but by injecting with smallpox pus).
After waiting six weeks Jenner injected this boy on both arms with smallpox matter, (taken from the arm of a boy with smallpox) this was the first dose of artificial disease. Several months later Phipps was again injected with smallpox pus, he had, according to Jenner, been artificially exposed to the disease a second time and no effect was produced.”
The artificial exposure to smallpox didn’t result in symptoms of smallpox, so, on the strength of this one experiment and its questionable interpretation; Jenner based his claim that one vaccination would “forever secure a person from smallpox.”
No extensive time had elapsed to prove whether this was likely; but without this proof or any scientific basis or evidence for its practice, the doctors and the government adopted it and eventually made it compulsory, as Baron points out …”no doubt, seeing the gold mine in profits that it would yield”.
Convinced of the virtue of vaccination Edward Jenner inoculated his 18-month-old son with swinepox, on November 1791 and again in April 1798 with cowpox, he died of tuberculosis at the age of 21. James Phipps was declared immune to smallpox but he also died of tuberculosis at the age of 20
Lilly Loat in her book “The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization” published in 1951…
In every pro-vaccinist publication Jenner’s great labours are extolled. There is no truth whatever in these tributes to his long study and experiment. Sir Benjamin Ward Richardson, although a believer in vaccination, well summed up the position as follows:
It is truly painful to say that the common opinion about the great labour of experiment, to which Jenner submitted himself, before he announced what is wrongly called his discovery, is mere childish adulation. His experiments are enumerated by himself, and may be put with observations without experiment, at 23; so that compared with the intense labour by which researches of a physiological kind are ordinarily carried out; they really rank as nothing in respect of labour (Disciples of Aesculapius-Jenner, 1900, pp 397-398).