Paralytic poliomyelitis, acute flaccid paralysis, infantile paralysis, meningitis, encephalitis are illnesses where toxins and microbes penetrate the membranes of the body affecting the internal systems, they are caused in deficient immune systems with an inability to eliminate severe poisons; once this state has been reached then any number of toxins and microbes can penetrate and affect the internal nervous system and brain. Obviously if one is susceptible to these kinds of illnesses it is imperative that you do not expose the body to dangerous toxins, as this would precipitate in an illness that could become invasive, note that it is not possible to avoid exposure to viruses or bacteria as there are billions of these already in the various tracts of the body.
It may be possible to identify different microbes that have been associated with these invasive illnesses, Hib, E.coli, meningococcal A, B or C, classifying illnesses according to each specific microbe. But conditions with different microbes may be identical to each other and cannot be simply classified according to the name of one particular microbe, viral conditions are different from bacterial and different from fungal, but within those groups the exact nature of the pathology will be a direct function of the host.
Different classes of microbes may create different classes of illness, for example bacterial invasion is usually more severe than viral. The size of the bacterium being much larger than a virus and therefore the bacterial invasion being indicative of a more serious invasive problem than a viral illness, as with viral or bacterial meningitis (inflammation of the membranes around the brain and spinal cord), bacterial is often associated with bacterial septicaemia (proliferation of bacteria in the blood).
Even a simple childhood disease could become invasive if the immune system is compromised and then suppressed by inappropriate medication
It is also important to realise that many other illnesses can lead to invasive complications such as blindness, deafness, paralysis, meningitis, encephalitis and even death. For example any one of the illnesses classified as the developmental illnesses (measles, mumps and chickenpox) and the environmental illnesses (typhoid, cholera and hepatitis) could in fact lead to invasive illnesses with severe consequences. They can all become invasive if not resolved; in fact this is the major concern of all health practitioners when dealing with microbial illnesses. In this way illnesses of the above two categories can change into an illness of the third category, the immune deficient or invasive.
In developing countries the death rate due to measles is much higher than in developed countries, and as reported in Paediatrics (Vol.85 No.2 P.188-94 Feb 1990), studies show a direct link to socio-economic factors. When there are improvements in living conditions, survival rates increase dramatically. Note that in the UK the death rate of measles declined from, approximately 1200 per million to 6 per million, before vaccines were introduced and showed every sign of continuing that declining trend.
As reported in Paediatric Infectious Disease (8:197-200, 1989) there is also orthodox research that shows that vaccines may change the nature of the disease but just as many children go on to die of illnesses with a different classification.
The effects of immune compromisation are even more obvious in developing countries
In developing countries when a child is malnourished and exposed to severely unhygienic conditions then obviously the amount of toxicity in the child’s system is high and the nutritional status is poor, therefore the child’s ability to eliminate toxins and microbes that have traversed the membranes of the digestive tract is very much impaired. Therefore unresolved measles illness is more common, they internalise more readily causing neurological complications such as deafness, blindness and meningitis and may even cause death. Vaccines do not of course alleviate this situation but can of course add to the burden which is why immune compromised children are not allowed to be vaccinated.
This is a situation where the trauma is too great and the reactive ability of the patient is too weak, the reason that vaccines don’t help, is that they do not aid the immune system to learn, they have wrongly focussed on trying to stimulate an immune memory to viruses and in fact add to the individual’s toxicity. The measles virus if isolated and classified would be exactly the same as the measles virus that will be found in a child with few or even imperceptible symptoms in the developed world, the illness is not dangerous by virtue of the microbe but by virtue of the patient.
What is the trauma and what are the susceptibility issues of a child in the developing world? These could be anything from an accumulation of poisons as a result of hygiene issues, exposure to insecticides (that are banned in the developed world), malnutrition, vaccines, over-use and inappropriate medication, dehydration, severe emotional trauma, bereavement, physical hardship and so on.
Immunity can be enhanced by nutritional supplementation In order to help the child, nutritional deficiencies have to be corrected, for example as reported in the British Medical Journal, 1987, 294, vitamin A supplementation reduces the mortality rate by seven times in under 2 year olds, and many studies show increase eye problems and deaths in children with vitamin A deficiency. Rehydration with clean water will be necessary, social and life-style issues have to be addressed and so on. However, to suppress the fever or the skin rash would make the process harder, to vaccinate addresses none of the disease factors hence children go on to die of other illnesses and will be pre-disposed to invasive consequences as a result of the vaccination itself.
Severe side effects from childhood illnesses are not due to the strength of the virus but the susceptibility of the patient.
The adverse events associated with measles, is not because the measles virus is more “virulent” it is identical to the measles virus that an individual in a developed country eliminates resolving their issues of toxicity leading to immune strengthening. Death rate due to measles reduce by over 99% before measles vaccine was introduced in UK because of the factors of diet, sanitation, hygiene, other environmental and living conditions improved, the results of which are unequivocal, both in history and in the present day epidemiology of developing countries.