Illness can happen in spite of strong immunity when exposed to persistent or extreme one off environmental stress

This group of illnesses are due mainly to toxicity and they can occur in individuals with fully developed immune systems as well as in children with under-developed immune systems, they include illnesses such as cholera, typhoid, and hepatitis. When the individual has sufficient toxicity to support the microbe, then the illness is the crisis point at which the body will try to eliminate. If the individual resolves the toxic state and adjusts lifestyle accordingly then recurrences do not occur, if however they continue to subject themselves to these conditions then recurrences do occur.


Immunity from the microbe itself exists in individuals that are not sufficiently toxic to allow the microbe to proliferate, but immunity from the microbe does not exist if the conditions that cause their proliferation persist. For example cholera is an illness characterised by vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, sweating, malaise etc, symptoms may vary according to the individual, this symptom reaction is as a result of toxicity within the digestive system, usually from dirty water, it is simply not due to the presence of the microbe as many people have it but show no symptoms. However this is not immunity, as we would see in the case of childhood illnesses. Epidemiological evidence shows that as soon as toxic drinking water conditions exist, then cholera symptoms return.

For many years a cholera vaccine was promoted and given to individuals in epidemic situations as a preventative, however this is no longer given because the authorities (The World Health Organisation) now admit that the vaccine does not work and confirm that unless clean water and hygienic practice is in place then cholera will persist and the vaccine will not stop the spread of the disease.

Note that hygiene refers to cleanliness and appropriate waste disposal, not to be confused with aseptic, which refers to the absence of microbes. Hygienic = the elimination of the toxins that support pathogenic microbes.


Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver, the liver is the main organ of detoxification in the human body, almost all food that enters the digestive system, once absorbed into the blood, is taken to the liver to be processed and detoxified accordingly. Hepatitis occurs in individuals that have overly burdened their liver; consequently the illness occurs in certain high risk groups; alcohol users, drug users, people that undergo blood/plasma transfusions, those that are malnourished and with unclean dietary habits.

At first one virus was found and the illness was labelled according to the virus, interestingly now at least 5 different viruses have been found from Hep A to E with their various sub-groups. Such illnesses are a direct result of toxic conditions imposed on the liver, the presence of the virus could equally be as a result of toxicity as opposed to the cause of the liver damage. Any one virus can be present and symptoms can vary from minimal to lethal, and therefore the severity of the illness is a function of the susceptibility i.e. state of the host not a function of the virus.

Florence Nightingale.

At this juncture it is surely interesting to quote Florence Nightingale once again:

“Is it not living in a continual mistake to look upon disease as we do now, as separate entities which must exist, like cats and dogs, instead of looking upon them as the reactions of kindly nature against the conditions against which we have placed ourselves?

I was brought up by scientific men to believe that smallpox was a thing of which there was once a specimen in the world, which went on propagating itself in a perpetual chain of descent, just as much as there was a first dog or pair of dogs, and that smallpox would not begin itself anymore than a new dog would begin without there having been a parent dog. 
Since then I have seen with my eyes and smelt with my nose smallpox growing up in first specimens, either in closed rooms or overcrowded wards where it could not by any possibility have been “caught” but must have begun.  Nay, more, I have seen diseases begin, grow and pass into one another.  Now dogs do not pass into cats. 
I have seen for instance, with a little overcrowding, continued fever grow up, and with a little more, typhoid fever, and with little more, typhus, and all in the same ward or hut.  For diseases, as all experience shows, are adjectives not noun substances.  The specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession.   There are no specific diseases, there are only specific disease conditions.”

With such illnesses, from a disease management point of view, it is imperative to support the body with, re-hydration, nutritional supplementation where appropriate and therapeutic interventions that aid the disease response. Many people do die when conditions are severe and their constitutions are weak, but those that die are not associated with more deadly microbes than those that survive, the microbes are the same as in those individuals that easily recover. However, in severe cases the patients are more toxic and are weaker, suppression of the elimination attempts of the body may in fact worsen the condition and can lead to invasive consequences.