How do the invasive illnesses (polio, meningitis, septicaemia, etc) occur in some children and not in most when we all have the microbes present in our bodies?

This class of illness may also be described as the invasive infections; paralytic poliomyelitis, meningitis, encephalitis, septicaemia: they are due to toxins and microbial proliferation within the interior of the body i.e. beyond the membranes of the digestive tract, lungs, skin etc, and no longer secured within the lymphatics, joints, fat cells, liver etc they can therefore affect the nervous system.

Here we see that toxins and microbes have access to the other organs, nerves, meninges and brain tissue and is a consequence of the failure to keep this toxicity and the corresponding microbes out of the internal tissues of the body. The microbes themselves do not have to be caught from anywhere, as they are commonly part of the natural microbes that inhabit the body, usually in the external tracts of the digestive system, respiratory system, genito-urinary system and the skin. This is a fact that often comes as a great surprise to members of the general public AND many health professionals. Polio, Hib, E.Coli, Meningococcal B, C, etc all microbes that are normally present within the tracts of the respiratory and digestive systems of everyone.

What enables them to apparently cause such devastating illnesses in a very small percentage of people but not in the vast majority of others? The polio example is immeasurably instructive when considering the issues of invasive consequences and the phenomenon of vaccination.

Polio (paralytic poliomyelitis) was in fact a disease of the developed world USA Europe and Australia. The illness had been described earlier in the 1900’s and researchers found that nerve poisons entering the food chain caused the symptoms of acute flaccid paralysis or infantile paralysis. It later reached epidemic proportions (20-35 in 100,000) in the 1950’s and 60’s.

What are the factors which can affect your susceptibility and therefore immunity to Polio

Therefore what characteristics predisposed children and some adults to these illnesses, given that most individuals exposed to those poisons did not develop symptoms of paralysis and neurological damage? Researchers found a combination of the following factors in cases of what later became classified as paralytic poliomyelitis.

  • High intake of sugar
  • History of long-term antibiotics
  • Recent history of vaccination
  • Tonsillectomy
  • Appendectomy
All of the above factors are in fact immune poisons and/or immune suppressive.

  • Sugar stressing the liver and pancreas. Also affecting the acidity of the blood and other tissues which predisposes mineral loss, tissue breakdown and microbe proliferation. Sugar also affecting brown adipose tissue known to have a role in heat metabolism and therefore fever production. The levels of sugar were extremely high in the summer months when knowledge of the impact of diet was minimal.
  • Antibiotics upset the natural microbial balance of the body promoting the increase in disease causing microbes.
  • Vaccines suppress preliminary defences and are incredibly toxic to the blood and internal tissues.
  • Tonsils and appendix part of the lymphatic system which act to, absorb excess blood toxins, filter and attract white blood cells to destroy and eliminate disease causing agents.

Immunity requires good elimination of toxins and strong membrane barriers

In previous chapters we have discussed the basic function of the immune system in eliminating toxins from the body and maintaining an appropriate microbial system within the external tracts of the body; respiratory, digestive, urinary and external skin. We have also noted the implications of suppressing attempts to eliminate toxins and maintain the membranes with associated microbes, if these functions are extensively compromised as would be the case in individuals with a number of the above predisposing factors then toxins and microbes will eventually invade the internal systems of the body, the most precious and highly guarded system appears to be the nervous system.


If a person with a compromised immune system is exposed to a nerve poison an invasive illness (e.g. Polio) is more likely

The advent of paralytic poliomyelitis coincides with the use of environmental poisons used as insecticides on our food, as with most environmental poisons they would affect the most susceptible first, the most susceptible were found to be the most immune compromised i.e. those with a history of suppression and immune failure; it does in no way correspond to the transfer of virus from one unsuspecting diseased patient to another. The virus has been found to be present in most of us; in fact, as previously discussed, we know that the polio virus belongs to a family of viruses that inhabit the digestive tract, of which we have identified at least 72.
Pharmaceutical companies have produced a vaccine supposedly against only 3 of them. The invasive illnesses as manifest in cases of paralytic poliomyelitis, meningitis, and encephalitis are illnesses where poisons and microbes from the external systems, e.g. the gut, invade the blood and ultimately the brain and nervous system. Viruses themselves as distinct from bacteria can also be created in the internal tissues of the body by the effects of severe poisons such as DDT. If you poison your cells with chemical agents then those very cells will produce viruses.