
Introduction to Immunity

“The processes of disease aim not at the destruction of life, but the saving of it.” Frederick Treves, 1905Principles Of Immune Reactions & ‘Infectious’ Disease Historically the immune system was simply thought of as a specialised group of cells de… Read More

Immune development parallels psychological development

One of the most significant emotional stresses experienced by a child involves separation, mainly from the mother. In fact, the development of a child is intimately bound to the development of an independent self, wi… Read More

Immunity from childhood illnesses: Developmental illness

These include some of what are classically known as the childhood illnesses, as we elaborate on the nature of these responses we shall see that they can equally occur in adulthood. For the purposes of medical study the … Read More

The conundrum of the vanishing vaccine immunity

With the vaccine community promoting the idea that vaccines create immunity, they have to reconcile the fact that this so-called immunity is not life long as is natural immunity. We are therefore told that vaccine immunity wears off, wh… Read More

Why do apparently healthy children in the developed countries suffer adverse effects from illnesses such as measles?

Common pharmaceutical drugs can compromise the immune function By referring back to our chronic disease chart it is possible to see how we become sus… Read More

Illness can happen in spite of strong immunity when exposed to persistent or extreme one-off environmental stress

This group of illnesses are due mainly to toxicity and they can occur in individuals with fully developed immune systems as well as in children with under-developed immun… Read More

Outbreaks of illness are often caused when groups of children are exposed to common stresses and immunity develops when the stress is overcome

Here you will understand how groups of children in similar stresses will succumb to similar illnesses, and how childhood illnesses suddenly a… Read More

How do the invasive illnesses (polio, meningitis, septicaemia, etc) occur in some children and not in most when we all have the microbes present in our bodies?

This class of illnesses may also be described as the invasive infections; paralytic poliomyelitis, meningitis, encephalitis,… Read More

Once the immune system is severely compromised any one of a number of toxins or microbes will cross the internal barriers of the body and invade the internal nervous system

Paralytic poliomyelitis, acute flaccid paralysis, infantile paralysis, meningitis, encephalitis are illnesses where… Read More