About Us

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For the last 25 years along with many helpful colleagues, including Magda Taylor of ‘The Informed Parent’ – Support group, Karel Ironside – Active Birth Teacher, David Cox – Acupuncturist, Torako Yui – Head of The Japanese Homeopathic Medical Association, and countless others, we have been helping individuals and parents come to more informed decisions about how to support and enhance their health and the health of their children.

Over the years there has been an increasing number of patients developing chronic and serious illness in-spite of an ever growing investment in pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines and medical technologies. These modern diseases can be reversed utilising a combination of up to date scientific understanding of the human body and the holistic principles of health and healing.

However, it is just as important to recognise the causes of these modern diseases so that they can be avoided or at the very least, not made worse, so it is our intention to bring this knowledge and experience to people outside of our local community via this website.

This Vaccine Side Effects website is dedicated to supporting parents and individuals who are faced with often challenging decisions regarding vaccinations and health.

I hope you find the information on this site thought provoking and helpful.

Trevor Gunn BSc (Hons) LCH M.ARH